Structure & Governance
Corporate Governance Policies
Serving as a global leader means holding ourselves to a higher standard. That’s why we’ve enacted several policies that make that standard clear, while motivating us to reach our goals.
Corporate Governance Guidelines
The Board of Directors has adopted these guidelines to set forth its commitments and guiding principles concerning overall governance practices.
Guidelines for Determining the Independence of Its Members
The Board has adopted guidelines to determine the independence of its members. The Independence Guidelines are included in the Corporate Governance Guidelines as Appendix A but are separately provided here for ease of reference.
Related Person Transaction Policy
This policy prohibits any of the Company’s executive officers, directors or any of their immediate family members from entering into a transaction with the Company, except in accordance with this policy.
Worldwide Business Conduct Manual (WBCM)
Our Worldwide Business Conduct Manual contains the global standards that must be followed to ensure we uphold P&G’s Purpose, Values and Principles in our daily work. The WCBM applies to all of the Company’s employees, officers and non-employee directors. We also expect our suppliers and other business partners to comply with all relevant portions of the manual. Portions of the Worldwide Business Conduct Manual comprise P&G’s Code of Ethics for SEC and New York Stock Exchange Regulatory Purposes, as further described in the Manual.