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Pampers × Watsons Launches New "Joyful Childhood Sharing Program" Giving New Life to Unused Toys and Spreading Love Through Sharing
Procter & Gamble's Pampers brand in Hong Kong is dedicated not only to providing the finest care for babies but also to nurturing their growth.
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P&G Hong Kong has been awarded the Hong Kong Environmental Excellence Award for nine consecutive years
P&G Hong Kong has been recognized with the Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence for the ninth consecutive year
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PAMPERS and Watsons Hong Kong Plant Hundreds of Native Red Maple Trees in Hong Kong, Uniting Consumer Power to Protect Local Forests and Celebrate a Green Christmas
P&G’s Pampers brand in Hong Kong is dedicated to providing the finest care products for babies and also believes that protecting the natural environment in which they grow is an essential factor for their healthy and happy development.
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WHISPER and WATSONS HONG KONG Partner for the 7th Year to Break Menstrual Misconceptions and Support Girls' Confidence During Periods
A global survey by Whisper’, a brand under P&G Hong Kong, revealed that over half of adults still feel hesitant to openly discuss or hold stereotypes about menstruation.
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Pampers' Seventh Year of Onward Preemie Babies Campaign to Join Hands with PARKnSHOP to Provide the Tiniest Diaper with the Most Loving Touch
Babies' safe arrival and healthy growth is the biggest hope for every family and parent. However, in Hong Kong, the annual premature birth rate remains at 7-10%.
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Pampers “Onward Foster Babies” Program Wins Gold in Asia-Pacific Sustainable Action Awards
Pampers wins gold award in “SDG 3: Good Health and Wellbeing” category of the 2024 Asia-Pacific Sustainable Action Awards (APSAA) with its “Onward Foster Babies” program in Hong Kong and Taiwan.
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P&G Hong Kong has been awarded the "Caring Company 15 Years Plus " logo
P&G Hong Kong (P&G) has been awarded the 15 Years Plus Caring Company Logo to recognize its commitment to caring for the community, protecting the environment, supporting employees, and continuously working to build an inclusive society.
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Pampers partners with PARKnSHOP for the fourth consecutive year
To thank all foster moms in Hong Kong for their selfless love and care
Pampers, a brand of P&G Hong Kong, and PARKnSHOP collaborate for the fourth year to promote the "Onward Foster Moms" program.
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PAMPERS Continues to Protect the Native Species of Trees in Hong Kong
Partnering with Consumers to Become a Pioneer in Carbon Reduction
P&G Hong Kong's brand Pampers and Watsons Hong Kong have collaborated to launch an environmental sustainability campaign. In its fourth year, they, in collaboration with World Green Organisation for the preservation of Hong Kong's native tree species
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P&G and Watsons Hong Kong's "Plastic Reborn" Program is in its third year
Turning waste plastics into 3D printing materials for STEM teaching shows the possibility of circular economy
Adhering to the mission of integrating environmental sustainability into corporate operations, P&G Hong Kong has joined hands with Watsons Hong Kong to launch a three-year “Plastic Reborn” program in 2021.
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P&G Hong Kong has been recognized by the Hong Kong Environmental Excellence Awards for eight consecutive years
P&G Hong Kong has actively participated in the Hong Kong Environmental Excellence Awards since 2015.
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Pampers Collaborates with Watsons to Promote Environmental Conservation
Planting Native Trees to Build a Green Future for Babies
Pampers, a P&G Hong Kong brand, has collaborated with Watsons Hong Kong for the second consecutive year to launch an environmental conservation program.
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WHISPER joins hands with Watsons Hong Kong to advocate menstrual equality
Whisper, P&G’s feminine care brand, joined hands with Watsons Hong Kong again to partner with Inspiring Girls Hong Kong (IGHK). Launching a new round of #LIKE A GIRL campaign at school, female role model stories would break the taboo of period talks.
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Pampers' Sixth Year of Onward Preemie Babies Campaign to Join Hands with PARKnSHOP
to Provide the Tiniest Diaper with the Most Loving Touch
P&G Hong Kong’s Pampers, partnered with the Hong Kong Council of Early Childhood Education and Services, and with the support of PARKnSHOP Hong Kong, to launch the "Onward Preemie Babies" program to provide free diaper products for premature babies.
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Pampers Hong Kong Wins Asia-Pacific Sustainability Action Awards with Its Preemie Babies Program
Pampers Hong Kong wins the golden award of Asia-Pacific Sustainability Action Awards in “SDG 3: Good Health and Wellbeing” with its long-term efforts to support premature babies.
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P&G and Watsons Hong Kong partnered with MakerBay to “repurpose” plastics into 3D printing materials
Transforming waste into resources for STEM workshop to continue the mission of environmental education
To raise awareness about waste plastics issue, increase Hong Kong citizens willingness to recycle, and promote the concept of a circular economy, P&G Hong Kong and Watsons Hong Kong collaborated to launch the three-year "Plastic Reborn" program in 2021.
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Whisper joins hands with Watsons Hong Kong
Female role models speak out and encourage girls to pursue their dreams with confidence
Whisper, P&G's feminine care brand, partners with PARKnSHOP, Watsons Hong Kong and Inspiring Girls Hong Kong (IGHK) to launch the 6th Dream #LikeAGirl campaign.
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OLAY joined forces with Watsons Hong Kong
1st STEM Scholarship to support Girl Career Diversity
P&G’s skin care brand, OLAY, joined hands with Watsons Hong Kong and Inspiring Girls Hong Kong again to encourage more girls to explore their potentials.
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Pampers collaborates with PARKnSHOP for the third year to build temporary home with eternal love for foster children
P&G Hong Kong's Pampers collaborates with PARKnSHOP to launch the "Onward Foster Moms" campaign to support nearly 800 foster families through charity donations.
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Pampers Joins Hands with Watsons in Hong Kong for the Second year
To Protect Wetland Small Animals for a Sustainable Future for Babies
Pampers, a subsidiary of P&G Hong Kong Procter & Gamble, this year on Earth Day, once again cooperated with Watsons in Hong Kong and launch the "Protect Wetland Small Animals and Create a Sustainable Future for Babies " project.
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5th year Pampers X HKCECES Onward Preemie Babies Program, partnering with consumers and PARKnSHOP to support premature babies' growth
Pampers, has entered its fifth year of Onward Preemie Babies" program. In addition to original community partner, the HKKCECES, Pampers also partners with PARKnSHOP Hong Kong to invest in more resources that preemie families require.
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OLAY joining hands with Watsons Hong Kong to advocate for Career Diversity for Girls
P&G’s skin care brand, OLAY, teamed up with Watsons HK and Inspiring Girls Hong Kong to encourage girls to explore career opportunity fearlessly.
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Whisper launches "DREAM #LIKEAGIRL" for the fifth year
Collaborating with Watsons Hong Kong to promote girls to live authentically and pursue dreams confidently
P&G's feminine care brand, Whisper, joins hands with Watsons Hong Kong and Inspiring Girls Hong Kong for the fifth year of Dream #LikeAGirl campaign to help girls embrace their true selves, and confidently actualize dreams.
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“Pampers X PARKnSHOP Onward Foster Moms Campaign” Moving towards the second year supporting foster children to grow up safely, healthily and happily
Pampers together with PARKnSHOP Hong Kong, continue the "Onward Foster Moms Campaign" launched last year to encourage entrance into the ranks of foster family. Additionally, materials are provided to support the daily needs of foster families.
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Watsons Hong Kong and PARKnSHOP join Whisper to continue the Dream #LikeAGirl campaign
Hong Kong elite athletes shared their dream-pursuing journeys that manifest girl power. Hong Kong elite athletes shared their dream-pursuing journeys that manifest girl power For girls reaching adolescence, as obvious physical changes begin to occur
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P&G and Watsons Hong Kong Expand Plastic Reborn
Aiming at enhancing early children education on environmental protection mindfulness by interactive forest-planting and encouraging plastic waste recycling and reduction habits during the epidemic
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4th year Pampers X HKCECES Onward Preemie Babies Program Supports Happy, Healthy Premature Babies Development
Pampers Hong Kong has partnered with the Hong Kong Council of Early Childhood Education and Services (HKCECES) for the fourth consecutive year to promote Onward Preemie Babies Program.
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P&G & Watsons Launch Plastic Reborn in all Watsons Stores in Hong Kong
Joint Effort amongst Business, Community, Local Recycling Company and Public Environmental Protection Forces to Do Good for Our Home
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