
WHISPER joins hands with Watsons Hong Kong to advocate menstrual equality

Menstruation accompanies most women for three to four decades. However, Whisper survey1 suggested that less than 50% of adults are willing to talk about period openly and every 1 in 3 people feels negatively towards related discussion. Period education is crucial for eliminating these social barriers and to unleash girl confidence. Whisper, P&G’s feminine care brand, joined hands with Watsons Hong Kong again to partner with Inspiring Girls Hong Kong (IGHK). Launching a new round of #LIKE A GIRL campaign at school, female role model stories would break the taboo of period talks. Product sales would be converted into product donations to support local disadvantaged women. Watsons HK also set up donation boxes, encouraging customers to donate and support IGHK female role model workshops to uplift girl confidence.

From November 3 to 30, 2023, for every $50 purchase of Whisper products at Watsons HK stores or online stores, Whisper will donate $1 worth of Whisper products to IGHK to alleviate the impact of period poverty on local disadvantaged communities.

School education is key to normalise Period Talks

Whisper is not only the most trusted sanitary product but has also been actively advocating for menstrual equity. As Whisper’s community partners, IGHK pointed out that current school curriculum does not address the importance of building a positive, healthy relationship with period. Compared to girl schools, most coeducational schools lack support in addressing period, as sex education does not cover issues related to period-friendly culture or period poverty. Male students were often confused when IGHK was distributing Whisper products to female students or when seeing sanitary product supplies on campus.

Whisper joins hands with IGHK again for #LIKE A GIRL' campaign to introduce period-friendly culture at schools. Female role models will share personal stories to break the taboo of “period talks in public” and encourage all students to understand menstruation better. From November 3 to 30, 2023, for every $50 purchase of Whisper products at Watsons HK stores or online stores, Whisper will donate $1 worth of Whisper products to IGHK to alleviate the impact of period poverty on local disadvantaged communities. Donation boxes are placed in Watsons HK stores from Oct 30 till Nov 12. All proceedings would support IGHK girl empowerment workshops to break through gender stereotype.

#LIKE A GIRL enters its sixth year to empower Girl Confidence

Whisper launched #LikeAGirl campaign in 2018 to raise awareness towards girl rights and development. Since partnering with Inspiring Girls Hong Kong in 2022, Whisper has donated more than 20,000 sanitary pads to local schools as daily care supply. Ines Gafsi, Chair and Director of Inspiring Girls Hong Kong said: “In the past two years, Whisper and Watsons HK have opened the infinite possibilities of girls’ future through supporting female role model workshops on campus. Puberty is a critical stage for building values and self-confidence. This year we will further communicate the importance of co-creating period-friendly culture to empower younger generations to approach period more positively. In addition, the donations of Whisper products we received this year will not only be distributed on campus, but also to local disadvantaged communities to lessen their burden of period poverty."

1 https://www.always.com/en-us/end-period-stigma